Cloud Computing

Java Project Titles 2021 - 2022

  1. An Efficient Ciphertext Index Retrieval Scheme based on Edge Computing Framework
  2. Efficient Revocable Multi-Authority Attribute-Based Encryption for Cloud Storage
  3. A Proxy Re-Encryption Approach to Secure Data Sharing in the Internet of Things Based on Blockchain
  4. RACE Resource Aware Cost-Efficient Scheduler for Cloud Fog Environment
  5. Enabling Secure and Space-Efficient Metadata Management in Encrypted Deduplication
  6. A Statistical Inference Attack on Privacy-Preserving Biometric Identification Scheme

Project Titles 2020 - 2021

1 A Flexible Privacy-Preserving Data Sharing Scheme in Cloud-assisted IoT

2 Decentralized Server-aided Encryption for Secure Deduplication in Cloud Storage

3 Dynamic Multi-phrase Ranked Search over Encrypted Data with Symmetric Searchable Encryption

4 Lightweight Sharable and Traceable Secure Mobile Health System

5 Multi-value-Independent Ciphertext-Policy Attribute Based Encryption with Fast Keyword Search

6 Privacy-Preserving Outsourced Calculation Toolkit in the Cloud

7 Privacy-Preserving Outsourced Support Vector Machine Design for Secure Drug Discovery

8 TAFC: Time and Attribute Factors Combined Access Control for Time- Sensitive Data in Public Cloud

9 Towards Secure and Privacy-Preserving Distributed Deep Learning in Fog-Cloud Computing

10 A Secure Enhanced Key-Policy Attribute-Based TemporaryKeyword Search Scheme in the Cloud

11 Development and Examination of Fog Computing-Based Encrypted Control System

12 A Novel Feature Matching Ranked Search Mechanism Over Encrypted Cloud Data

13 A Secure and Efficient Cloud-Centric Internet of Medical Things-Enabled Smart Healthcare System with Public Verifiability

14 Authentication and Key Agreement Based on Anonymous Identity for Peer-to-Peer Cloud

15 Key-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption With Keyword Search in Virtualized Environments

16 Secured outsourcing towards a cloud computing environment based on DNA cryptography

17 Identity-Based Encryption Transformation for Flexible Sharing of Encrypted Data in Public Cloud

18 Key-Escrow Free Attribute-Based Multi-Keyword Search with Dynamic Policy Update in Cloud Computing

19 Fast Secure and Anonymous Key Agreement Against Bad Randomness for Cloud Computing

20 Watermarking-Based Secure Plaintext Image Protocols for Storage, Show, Deletion and Retrieval in the Cloud

21 Scalable and efficient authentication scheme for secure smart grid communication

22 Revealing the Character of Nodes in a Blockchain With Supervised Learning

23 Subscription-Based Data-Sharing Model Using Blockchain and Data as a Service

24 Fine-Grained Access Control in the Era of Cloud Computing: An Analytical Review

25 A Verifiable Semantic Searching Scheme by Optimal Matching Over Encrypted Data in Public Cloud

26 Heterogeneous Task Co-location in Containerized Cloud Computing Environments

27 A Secure Data Dynamics and Public Auditing Scheme for Cloud Storage

28 A Survey on Health Care facilities by Cloud Computing

29 A Verifiable Semantic Searching Scheme by Optimal Matching over Encrypted Data in Public Cloud

30 Attribute-Based Cloud Data Integrity Auditing for Secure Outsourced Storage

31 Attribute-Based Hybrid Boolean Keyword Search over Outsourced Encrypted Data

32 Authentication and Key Agreement Based on Anonymous Identity for Peer-to-Peer Cloud

33 Efficient Decentralized Attribute Based Access Control for Mobile Clouds

34 Designing Secure and Efficient Biometric-Based Secure Access Mechanism for Cloud Services

35 Efficient Regular Language Search for Secure Cloud Storage

36 Efficient Traceable Authorization Search System for Secure Cloud Storage

37 Privacy-Preserving Outsourced Support Vector Machine Design for Secure Drug Discovery

38 Enabling Efficient User Revocation in Identity-based Cloud Storage Auditing for Shared Big Data

39 Lightweight Cloud Storage Auditing With De duplication Supporting Strong Privacy Protection

40 Multi-user Verifiable Searchable Symmetric Encryption for Cloud Storage

41 Optimizing Information Leakage in Multi cloud Storage Services

42 Secure Keyword Search and Data Sharing Mechanism for Cloud Computing

43 Toward Practical Privacy-Preserving Frequent Itemset Mining on Encrypted Cloud Data

44 Privacy-Preserving Data Processing with Flexible Access Control

45 TAFC: Time and Attribute Factors Combined Access Control for Time-Sensitive Data in Public Cloud

46 You Can Access But You Cannot Leak: Defending Against Illegal Content Redistribution in Encrypted Cloud Media Center

47 Privacy Protection and Intrusion Avoidance for Cloudlet-based Medical Data Sharing

48 Privacy Aware Data De duplication for Side Channel in Cloud Storage

49 Achieving Secure and Efficient Dynamic Searchable Symmetric Encryption over Medical Cloud Data

50 A New Lightweight Symmetric Searchable Encryption Scheme for String Identification

51 A Key-Policy Attribute-Based Temporary Keyword Search scheme for Secure Cloud Storage

52 A Secure Enhanced Key-Policy Attribute-Based Temporary Keyword Search Scheme in the Cloud

53 Development and Examination of Fog Computing-Based Encrypted Control System.

54 A Novel Feature Matching Ranked Search Mechanism Over Encrypted Cloud Data

55 A Secure and Efficient Cloud-Centric Internet of Medical Things-Enabled Smart Healthcare System with Public Verifiability

56 Scalable and Secure Big Data IoT System Based on Multifactor Authentication and Lightweight Cryptography

57 Key Policy Attribute-Based Encryption with Keyword Search in Virtualized Environments

58 Identity-Based Encryption Transformation for Flexible Sharing of Encrypted Data in Public Cloud.

59 Secure Data Transfer and Deletion from Counting Bloom Filter in Cloud Computing.

60 Key-Escrow Free Attribute-Based Multi-Keyword Search with Dynamic Policy Update in Cloud Computing

61 Fast Secure and Anonymous Key Agreement Against Bad Randomness for Cloud Computing

62 Achieving Practical Symmetric Searchable Encryption with Search Pattern Privacy over Cloud

63 Achieving Secure and Dynamic Range Queries Over Encrypted Cloud Data

64 Secure Cloud Storage with Data Dynamics Using Secure Network Coding Techniques

65 SecDedup Secure Encrypted Data De duplication with Dynamic Ownership Updating

66 LEVER Secure Deduplicated Cloud Storage with Encrypted Two-Party Interactions in Cyber-Physical Systems

67 Improving Security and Privacy Attribute Based Data Sharing in Cloud Computing

68 A Scalable Attribute-Based Access Control Scheme with Flexible Delegation cum Sharing of Access Privileges for Cloud Storage

69 A Secure Privacy Preserving Cloud-based Framework for Sharing Electronic Health Data

A Survey on Health Care facilities by Cloud Computing

2019-20 Project Titles
1 A Distributed Trust Evaluation Protocol with Privacy Protection for Intercloud

2 A Secure G-Cloud-Based Framework for Government Healthcare Services

3 A Modified Hierarchical Attribute-Based Encryption Access Control Method for Mobile Cloud Computing

4 A Secure Searchable Encryption Framework for Privacy-Critical Cloud Storage Services

5 Hybrid Keyword-Field Search with Efficient Key Management for Industrial Internet of Things

6 An Attribute-based Controlled Collaborative Access Control Scheme for Public Cloud Storage

7 Crypt-DAC: Cryptographically Enforced Dynamic Access Control in the Cloud

8 Delegated Authorization Framework for HER Services using Attribute Based Encryption

9 Dynamic Multi-Keyword Ranked Search Based on Bloom Filter Over Encrypted Cloud Data

10 Enabling Authorized Encrypted Search for Multi-Authority Medical Databases

11 Enabling Identity-Based Integrity Auditing and Data Sharing With Sensitive Information Hiding for Secure Cloud Storage

12 Enabling Verifiable and Dynamic Ranked Search Over Outsourced Data

13 Fuzzy Identity-Based Data Integrity Auditing for Reliable Cloud Storage Systems

14 Hidden Ciphertext Policy Attribute-Based Encryption With Fast Decryption for Personal Health Record System

15 KeyD: Secure Key-Deduplication with Identity-Based Broadcast Encryption

16 Memory Leakage-Resilient Dynamic and Verifiable Multi- keyword Ranked Search on Encrypted Smart Body Sensor Network Data

17 P-MOD: Secure Privilege-Based Multilevel Organizational Data- Sharing in Cloud Computing

18 Privacy-Preserving Attribute-Based Keyword Search in Shared Multi-owner Setting

19 Privacy-Preserving Multi-keyword Top-k Similarity Search Over Encrypted Data

20 Profit Maximization for Cloud Brokers in Cloud Computing

21 Provable Data Possession with Outsourced Data Transfer

22 Provably Secure Fine-Grained Data Access Control over Multiple Cloud Servers in Mobile Cloud Computing Based Healthcare Applications

23 Revocable Identity-Based Broadcast Proxy Re-encryption for Data Sharing in Clouds

24 Secure Data Group Sharing and Conditional Dissemination with Multi-Owner in Cloud Computing

25 Privacy Preserving Searchable Encryption with Fine-grained Access Control

26 Secure Phrase Search for Intelligent Processing of Encrypted Data in Cloud-Based IoT

27 Towards Achieving Keyword Search over Dynamic Encrypted Cloud Data with Symmetric-Key Based Verification

28 Trustworthy Delegation toward Securing Mobile Healthcare Cyber-Physical Systems

29 A Secure Searchable Encryption Framework for Privacy-Critical Cloud Storage Services

30 Data Integrity Auditing without Private Key Storage for Secure Cloud Storage

31 Enabling Identity-Based Integrity Auditing and Data Sharing With Sensitive Information Hiding for Secure Cloud Storage

32 Privacy-Preserving Attribute-Based Keyword Search in Shared Multi- owner Setting

33 Privacy-Preserving Multi-keyword Top-k Similarity Search Over Encrypted Data

34 Provably Secure Fine-Grained Data Access Control over Multiple Cloud Servers in Mobile Cloud Computing Based Healthcare Applications

35 Revocable Identity-Based Broadcast Proxy Re-encryption for Data Sharing in Clouds

36 Secure Phrase Search for Intelligent Processing of Encrypted Data in Cloud-Based IoT

37 Towards Achieving Keyword Search over Dynamic Encrypted Cloud Data with Symmetric-Key Based Verification

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