Online Examination System With Randomization And Review Capabilities


    The online exam project contains an admin side and the user side. The admin can view and manage the users, their rankings, and manage the exam questions. The user can login to attend the exam and get instant result, preview of questions answers, then students give feedback to the online exam. The purpose of taking the online exam/test is to help the students to practice and learn more about the topic. Also, this online method needs less manpower to execute the examination. The users are the students who want to take part in this online test site. A user has to login to enter the exam competition. If he/she has not registered, they can register first and then login. This project is a very simple project that makes a convenient way for any organization to check the performance of the students and rank them according to their doings. It can be used to get result on spot and review of the exam questions. Review is used to check the correct and wrong answers on the exam.

Software Requirements:

      Operating system        :           Windows 7

      Front End                    :           PHP

      Data Base                    :           MYSQL

      Web Server                 :           Wamp Server

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