In e-learning recommender systems,
interpersonal information between learners is very scarce, which makes it
difficult to apply collaborative filtering (CF) techniques. a hybrid filtering
(HF) recommendation approach (SI - IFL)combining learner influence model (LIM),
self-organization based (SOB) recommendation strategy and sequential pattern
mining(SPM) together for recommending learning objects (LOs) to learners a
hybrid filtering (HF) recommendation approach (SI - IFL)combining learner influence model (LIM),
self-organization based (SOB) recommendation strategy and sequential pattern
mining(SPM) together for recommending learning objects (LOs) to learners.LIM is
applied to acquire the interpersonal information by computing the influence
that a learner exerts on others. LIM consists of learner similarity, knowledge credibility,
and learner aggregation. LIM is independent of ratings.SOB recommendation
strategy is applied to recommend the optimal learner cliques for active
learners by simulating the influence propagation among learners. Influence
propagation means that a learner can move toward active learners, and such
behaviours can stimulate the moving behaviours of his neighbours. This SOB recommendation
approach achieves a stable structure based on distributed and bottom-up
behaviours of individuals. The final learning objects (LOs) and navigational
paths based on the recommended learner cliques. The experimental results
demonstrate that SI - IFL can provide personalized and diversified
recommendations, and it shows promising efficiency and adaptability in
e-learning scenarios.
Operating system : Windows
Coding Language : JAVA/J2EE
IDE : Net beans 8.0.1
Database : MYSQL 5.52